Who didn’t have colouring books as a kid? Perhaps everyone had at least one. All children love to draw, although everyone does it in their own way. Those lucky people who buy colouring books learn to draw with their help, others draw in books and magazines. It is difficult for children to immediately draw something on their own, and finishing, shading and colouring are just what you need to start.
A colouring book is an outline drawing that needs to be filled with colours to give it its final look. Have you ever wondered how great and multifaceted the benefits of this simple children’s entertainment are? Let’s see it in detail.
Development of fine motor skills
It’s no secret that the development of fine motor skills directly affects speech function. This dependence has been established by scientists, substantiated and proven. There is no need to doubt it. As soon as the child picks up pencils or paints, you can gradually invite them to paint over certain forms, starting with the simplest and moving on to more complex ones. Do not expect that your little one will be able to colour a duck or a frog right away. Start with a circle, gradually progressing to more complex geometric shapes. The child learns to hold and manipulate various objects, to distinguish between the facets and shades of colours. Simple colouring in the form of images of objects, and not just geometric shapes, children begin to master from about two years of age. But even then, they are not yet able to perceive small details and only see the picture as a whole. Therefore, when painting, children often go beyond the outline of the picture. Have an apple or chicken drawn on the colouring page. The child will be very happy to learn a familiar subject.
Development of perseverance and accuracy
Over time, the child will pay more and more attention to shading only within the framework of the drawn image, this will require more diligence and more concentration. At the younger preschool age, children are real fidgets. But by the older preschool age, perseverance increases. Children already paint not with two or three colours but use more shades. Why is it so important to match the difficulty of colouring according to the age of the child? Because every person loves to see the fruit of his labour in a completed form. Only a finished business gives strength to new achievements, motivates for further development.
Imagination development
During colouring, the child is in a creative mode. It would seem, what to fantasize about when everything is already drawn? But this is only at first glance. The child is given only a starting point, and the final result will depend only on him or her. The choice of colours, the accuracy of the shading helps to develop the aesthetic taste of the little artist. In addition, no one will interfere if the baby decides to add a number of details to the drawing. Unexpected decisions, unusual combinations, actions that exceed expectations should be encouraged by parents and caregivers. It is even more interesting to complement the colouring with some stickers and applications.
These were only a few of the most important aspects of the development that colouring book can help with. Also, with the help of colouring books, you can reveal many difficult topics to explain: space, animals, family, transport, and so on. To find the best colouring books, visit the Range Website.